Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Keeping me grounded . . .

You probably thought this would be a heavy post, one where I give reminders about staying grounded in this crazy, fast-paced, material world.

It's not.

Lately, I've been noticing that I don't need help staying grounded - I have kids for that.  No one need worry any pretty little heads about my confidence level rising at too fast a rate.  I'm being kept in check,  and I don't have to pay a penny for this advice I get; it's available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.  Lucky me.

Three 'grounders' live with me; and though oft times they are making me laugh or giving me hugs (we have no fussing, fighting, whining, messing up, disagreeing, moodiness or laziness), lately they have added helping to their list of talents.

(they even don special eye wear that keeps my every move visible)

Let me be clear . . . I do not mean helping to load the dishwasher, helping to reach down and pick up enough items to clear a path from one room to another or helping to retrieve wet towels left in the car.  They are practicing a new kind of help, and they are quite adept at it's use.  They have begun sort of a continual be the best you you can be, Mama program, where they freely give me advice, critiques, pointers, words of wisdom, etc.

It's a fabulous program and helps me to know that I'm never alone out there, no decision is final and I will always be under care.  It also keeps me grounded.  I may sometimes have an extra kick in my step and think, "Okay, Deana, you've cleaned up real nice today - lookin' good!"  But they help - immediately - bring me back to reality and keep the head from swelling.

Here are some of the helpful quips I hear.  Using this list may help you begin a similar regimen with a loved one in need:

  • Mama, don't worry - I don't want you to look like the other mothers, like you're a college student or something.  
  • Whew, we have got to do something with those fingernails when we get home.  Can I help you with that later?
  • Were you actually going to wear that?
  • Is your hair finished?
  • Some of your skin just has funny things on it, huh?
  • Had you thought about using bobby pins on some of that?
  • Do you ever feel funny about that mustache?
  • Look, when I push your stomach, it's jiggly!
  • Yeah, you look great - but could you wear something else?
  • Did you mean to have some of the gray hairs sticking out?
  • I'd like you to have fun and all, but could you please not do any of that embarrassing stuff you do?
  • Mama, you know some of those things you say when we see people?  Try not to say those things ever again.
  • You don't always have to talk if you don't want to.

Friends, these are but a few of the ways that you, too, can help that special someone in your own life to stay grounded and keep their head from getting too big.  You may change the phrases to suit your situation, but this gives you an idea of how the system works.  I can put you in touch with one of my three associates if you need extra guidance.  

And, now, we must announce the winner from yesterday's mystery photo contest!  The photo was this:

And it was actually this:

A bunch of you got it - way to go!  Thanks for playing!  The winner (chosen at random with random.org) was Kraig H.!  Let me know when you're ready for your shoot!

We'll do another mystery photo next Monday - be ready.  

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